Disposal of asbestos during
the operation of the polyclinic in Brno

Object: polyclinic Starý Lískovec, Brno
Type of asbestos removed: Boletic facade panel
Project scope: 1 325 m² area, 15 tons of material
Team: 7 specialists

The implementation of the asbestos removal project at the Starý Lískovec polyclinic in Brno was a key contribution to improving safety for both patients and staff. Our team focused on the removal of asbestos façade panels from the polyclinic building, located in close proximity to the grocery store and pharmacy, all while maintaining the normal operation of the polyclinic. This situation required thorough preparation and precise execution

Objectives and implementation:

Our main objective was to ensure that the asbestos removal was carried out without significantly limiting the operation of the clinic. The work was planned and implemented so that the outpatient clinics would be accessible again as soon as possible. The total removal took 50 days, with the project taking 1.5 years to prepare.


The work was carried out in five stages, each stage lasting 10 days.

In each stage, a controlled zone was created with a vacuum of 10-20 Pa and 5 times air change per hour.
The encapsulation or encapsulation of the Boeotian façade panels was carried out using a certified FOSTER 32-20 fixative and airless equipment.
After encapsulation, manual removal of asbestos-containing materials was continued in the least destructive manner possible.
This was followed by careful packing and transport of the material to an approved landfill, decontamination of the area and removal of the controlled strips.

Safety measures and standards:

The project was carried out in accordance with strict European standards and safety regulations. Only trained personnel had access to the controlled zones and the whole process was constantly monitored and controlled by experts.

As a result, the façade of the clinic is now completely asbestos-free, increasing the safety of all visitors and employees.

Další projekty

V Hradci Kárlové jsme odstranili celou skladbu bolestivého fasádního panelu včetně materiálů obsahujících azbest.

Střešní krytina s obsahem azbestu byla demontována ručně, co nejméně destruktivním způsobem pro zabránění prášení azbestových vláken do ovzduší.

Likvidace azbestu probíhala v centru Prahy za dodržováni přísných bezpečnostních podmínek. Sanace azbestu probíhala po dobu 20 dnů.

Odstraňovali jsme azbestovou výplň a vyměňovali samotné lávky elektrických rozvodů. Azbest jsme nahradili certifikovaným materiálem s protipožárními a nevodivými vlastnostmi.

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